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fair trade
Promoting business models that pay people fair wages for their work is near and dear to us. We bring you some fine products purchased directly from the folks who grew, sewed, roasted, carved, painted or otherwise produced them. Our fair-trade tote bags are made at the US/Mexico border by a fair-trade women’s sewing cooperative (www.douglaprietaworks.org). We also carry fair-trade coffee from Chiapas. Check back as we keep adding new products!



One of the designers at The Gloo Factory, Ray Younghans, visited the Women’s Sewing Cooperative of Sewn-Together2DouglaPrieta Works (DPW) based in Agua Prieta, Sonora.  She wrote an article entitled “Sewn Together” which appears in Food Conspiracy’s newsletter, Conspiracy News, detailing the mission, structure, and context in which DouglaPrieta Works functions.

Check out the article Conspiracy News Volume 49 May + June 2016 for an in-depth look at the sewing cooperative.