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Border Community Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Tubac, AZ. We advocate for a positive international sense of community and provide experiential education programs to residents and visitors of southern Arizona.

BCA is continuing to develop new programming. The upcoming season promises to be packed with many opportunities to learn about our neighbor to the south and gain a greater appreciation for the unique history, culture and environment of the borderlands.

BCA Values:
– We believe in social investment to elevate a strong sense of international community, not charity.

– We seek to listen and learn from each other, rather than presume we know it all.

– We respect the cultures and traditions of both Mexico and the United States and advocate for wider public knowledge.

– We value working together with like-minded organizations and individuals on both sides of the border.

– We welcome participation in our programs regardless of one’s viewpoint on divisive issues.

To learn more about Border Community Alliance click here